For the average British citizen, the most expensive things that one would ever buy, other than a house, would definitely be a vehicle. While purchasing brand new cars can be exciting, it will certainly give your bank account a serious punch to the guts. Fortunately, for those that do not have much to spend on a vehicle, purchasing second-hand ones is an excellent way to get a relatively newer model without having to break the bank.
However, when it comes to buying used cars, a lot of problems can happen—most notably if you are mis-sold one. That being said, if you are interested in purchasing a used car, here are the things you will need to know to ensure that you aren’t mis-sold a vehicle.
The Consumer Rights Act
Past October 1, 2015, the Consumer Rights Act protects you when it comes to things you purchase. In this act, you are given the right to have the things you bought repaired, replaced, or even refunded should the item not fulfil the promises and expectation the seller gave you.
Note that for things like a full refund, it will only be applicable within the first month you have purchased the vehicle. After that, the only options left available are to replace or repair the vehicle. Take note that if the seller cannot replace or repair the car, you are still entitled to a refund or even possibly receive the vehicle for free, if not sold at a highly reduced price.
Keep in mind that the above will depend on the type of products you buy and how it was delivered. For instance, handling a physical item versus a digital item will be different, so it pays to know your rights before purchasing anything specific.
Protecting Yourself During a Used-Car Purchase
The best way to keep yourself protected from any disappointments is to thoroughly have a look at the car and ask as many questions as possible. This can help identify any potential problems that you might miss, ensuring you get precisely what you pay for.
That being said, another way you can keep yourself safe during the purchase is to read the terms and conditions thoroughly. These will generally outline the rights you and the seller have specific to the purchase—and if you find anything that is unclear or unfair, you should let the seller know immediately of your concerns!
Changing Your Mind
If there is absolutely nothing wrong with the vehicle, but you simply changed your mind and did not want it any longer, you need to cancel the order within a week. After that, you can expect to have a full refund within a month. Keep in mind that this policy might be slightly different depending on the seller, such as how to cancel your order. To know precisely how you cancel your purchase, get in contact with your seller and get written information on what to do.
Working With a Private Seller
If you bought a car from a private seller and are unhappy with it, you may be at a loss. That is because the Consumer Rights Act does not protect you from a private seller, and in this case, you need to do a lot of research before making any purchases.
If the matter is extreme, you may be able to get help from a Small Claims Court. In this case, you need to prove that the car was already faulty beforehand and that the private seller knew all about it but did not tell you.
Working with a mis-sold car can be quite a nuisance. Not only did you spend your money on a vehicle that did not live up to expectations, but now you have to put effort into getting your money’s worth.
Fortunately, with the Consumer Rights Acts, you are more than likely going to be compensated for the vehicle. However, if you find that disputes are going nowhere, you might decide to take it to court. Know that this is expensive for you and the seller and should only be considered as a last resort.
Do you need help making a claim for a mis-sold product? Consumer Reclaim can offer you the services you need to ensure a successful claim. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you!