Hitachi Capital Finance jointly liable for mis-selling Aquashield roof coating under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act
They continue to make what Consumer Reclaim regards as totally inadequate offers to customers. For considerably less than customers paid for the mis-sold roof treatment. Hitachi Capital Finance described themselves as the “retail partner of Aquashield”.
The customer purchased the Aquashield roof paint coating after being shown Aquashield promotional literature. However, this was misleadingly as it was referring to savings of £360 per annum on energy savings. Consumer Reclaim made a claim to Hitachi Capital Finance confirming that the customer had purchased for energy saving reasons / extend the life of his roof. Through expert evidence, it was clearly demonstrated that the product does not prevent heat loss or extend the life of a roof. Hitachi’s lawyers required the customer to complete a questionnaire in his own words but he failed to state within this form that he had purchased for energy saving reasons or to extend the life of his roof.
The offer
Hitachi offered the client a refund of just 50% on the basis that the paint had faded. However, this wasn’t goo enough. The 50% refund not even being sufficient to cover the cost of repainting the roof. Hitachi didn’t acknowledge that the product was not fit for the purpose of preventing heat loss or extending the life of the roof. Due to the customer failing to state that he had purchased the product for these reasons. The customer had simply assumed that it was obvious to hitachi that he had purchased the paint treatment for energy saving reasons and to extend the life of his roof as it was advertised and sold as an energy saving roof treatment that also extends the life of the roof. The customer rejected the offer on the advice of Consumer Reclaim.
Consumer Reclaim continues to fight on behalf of all of Hitachi Capital Finance customers. Trying for the very least; full refund and interest on all payments made. Consumer Reclaim believe that any loan balance should be written written off. Customers should get compensation for damage to the roof.