Every now and then, losing the credit card or having it stolen is a fear that pops up in the mind of many credit card owners, even more so if a provider says you’re negligent and won’t address your complaint.
As much as we’d like to say this isn’t a common case, having a card provider dispute your right to claim based on negligence is a risk that unfortunately has become commonplace. With scams becoming more complex and consumer reclaims being used as a means to scam businesses out of millions, it’s easy to see why card providers have taken a stronger stance.
Fortunately, if you ever have your card stolen or lost, and different transactions start to pop up on your monthly payments, there are a few steps you can take to get your money back even if your card provider refuses at first. Here is a four-step guide to filing a complaint about fraudulent card transactions:
Step #1: Get the necessary documentation
Before you head over to your card provider or give them a call, it is highly recommended to first get the necessary supporting documents to prove that you were not the cause of these fraudulent transactions. Various pieces of proof, such as police report that were filed before the transactions occurred, supporting video evidence that you weren’t at the merchant the cards were used, and any other related receipts can help build a stronger case.
Step #2: Notify your card provider right away
The time between the exact moment the transaction took place, and when you reach out to your card provider will make a significant difference in how willing they are to handle your case. Once you’ve realised that your card is stolen and the transactions that follow are not your doing, contact your card provider right away to clear yourself of liabilities.
As soon as your card provider is notified that your card is lost or stolen, they will take the necessary steps to cancel your card and investigate every unauthorised transaction. Generally speaking, every transaction that has taken place up to the point that you reported it missing will be investigated for any proof of fraudulent use so that you have a proper basis for a refund.
Step #3: Take action if your card provider disputes
Should your efforts to report the transaction right away and provide necessary proof does not yield any merit for your case, then you need to request for your dispute to be escalated in the internal complaints process.
If you discover that your provider’s decision is final, then request a final letter of deadlock from them so that you’ll have the necessary documents to refer your dispute to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). If your card provider disputes your claim based on the fact that you weren’t careful enough to protect your card, withhold your pin, or any suspicion that you acted fraudulently, make it a point for them to provide proper proof of such.
Step #4: Bring your claim to the FOS
After referring to the FOS, they will provide you with a form that you can complete online and submit and will process your claim straight away. Throughout the submission and review process, the FOS themselves may end up asking you to supply the supplementary information so that they can gather more insight into gauging the case.
Dealing with a card provider that refuses to refund any fraudulent transactions that have been made with your lost or stolen credit card can make for an undesirable situation. Nevertheless, acting fast and following the aforementioned steps can make all the difference in settling your case. If you need the help of an expert that can handle your current situation or mis-sold goods and services, get in touch with us today to see how we can help!