In 2019, the risk of buying fake goods or counterfeit products has grown astronomically due to the fact that factories are becoming increasingly proficient in copying products detail for detail. One repercussion of this development is that so many customers have purchased counterfeit products because of how close they look to the real thing.
Although you probably might think that purchasing fake or counterfeit products is fine because it’s essentially the same thing at a lower price, you couldn’t be more wrong. Fake products are not held to the same standards as the originals. In some cases, they may put your health at risk. Fires, electrocutions, sicknesses, and poisoning are just a few of the common effects associated with buying counterfeit goods— threats that definitely aren’t worth putting yourself at risk to save a few bucks.
The best way to avoid buying fake products is by learning how to spot them, but obviously doing this is a lot easier said than done. Identifying fake or counterfeit products is more difficult than you may expect. However, it’s more than possible when you ask yourself the right questions upon viewing a questionable listing. In order to spot and avoid fake products, here are a few questions that you should be asking yourself:
QUESTION #1: “Is it significantly cheaper than it’s supposed to be?”
One of the biggest indicators of a fake, fraudulent, or counterfeit product is a price tag that is suspiciously lower than the market value. Often, fake or counterfeit products are marketed and sold at extremely low prices in order to entice customers into buying them. When looking at a product that you want to buy, it’s important to remember this particular saying: “if it’s too good to be true, then it probably is.” While it can definitely be tempting to score a product at a suspiciously low price, are the cost savings really worth putting your health at risk?
QUESTION #2: “What does it look like?”
Another telltale sign of a fake or counterfeit product is an appearance that doesn’t match the original. Whether the packaging is completely different or the product seems like it’s made from a different material, keep an eye out for items that don’t look anything like the real thing. Fake products tend to come in plastic or low-quality packaging without any logos. This alone is a red flag when you buy an item that is supposedly expensive. To protect yourself from being ripped off, conduct some research on the item that you want to purchase, as original products tend to come with distinguishing features or verification stamps that can be used as a reference.
QUESTION #3: “Where am I buying the item from?”
A dead giveaway of a fake or counterfeit product is the retailer that’s distributing or selling it, especially when it comes to higher ticket items (such as luxury bags and designer shoes). To spot a counterfeit, check the retailer or page that’s managing the listing because most legitimate products can only be bought from certain stores or providers. When determining the reputability and authenticity of a store and its products, make sure to check any online reviews as they can give a greater level of insight for any purchasing decisions that you’ll be making. As much as possible, try to purchase products from the manufacturer’s official store or website, or head over to an authorised seller that has been accredited by the manufacturer themselves.
Nobody likes thinking they scored a great deal, only to find that they’ve purchased something that isn’t remotely what they thought they would get. Protect yourself and your wallet by learning how to identify fake products.
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