Hitachi capital finance continue to offer mis-sold aquasheld customers refunds for amounts that are significantly less than consumer reclaim argue customers are entitled to!

Hitachi Capital Finance jointly liable for mis-selling Aquashield roof coating under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act They continue to make what Consumer Reclaim regards as totally inadequate offers to customers. For considerably less than customers paid for the mis-sold roof treatment. Hitachi Capital Finance described themselves as the “retail partner of Aquashield”. The…

Tesco refund customer £6,676.47 after claim referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service

Consumer Reclaim pursue a claim against customer’s Tesco credit card Within 8-12 years, the Solar Direct UK thermal solar water heating system apparently paid for itself. Evidence supplied by consumer reclaim demonstrated that the solar system could not possibly provide the promised savings within its lifespan. Having paid the deposit for the solar system on his…

Hitachi Capital Finance Aquashield claim referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service

The Financial Ombudsman Service uphold claim against Hitachi Capital Finance For mis-sold aquashield roof & wall treatment awarding £8,360.38 to client. Hitachi capital finance had offered the client a refund of £4,269.94. However, without admitting liability arguing that the client had not provided sufficient evidence. To prove that aquashield made misrepresentations and breached its contract.…